How do I test (or troll) people`s skill of attention to details
I do this a lot. If you work with me, you know it. If you often speak with me, you know it as well.
Sometimes I just say some bullshit. Sometimes I send you the document where you have a line or two of bullshit
Why? I hope it develops the habit of people to pay more attention during the conversation or while they read docs or plans I sent.
Here is an example with some data analysis (all data changed and then pixelated for better obfuscation, you only can see my “test for the attention”)
With some people it worked. Other keep ignoring. But overall, I feel they become being more present during the convos and more mindfulness while going through the text.
P.S: I also would buy a cup of coffee to those who found my easter eggs in text :) So far I did not exceed my weekly budget for this ;)